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Friday, April 15, 2005

Violent Smilies

I just gotta dedicate a whole post to some of these great smilies I found. Made me laugh so much. You can find them here WebSmileys

OK, here we go... Should I place a warning? Nah, in your face!!

OK, just for balance and to prove I am not evil....


Ohanami by night

Last night we had a Cherry Blossum picnic with my Panasonic students near Osaka Castle. I just love this picture even though it isn't very clear. A branch of flowers in front of a tall office building with many lights on as workers are still at work at 10pm....

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More pwetty flowers...

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Us, the couple.

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Monday, April 11, 2005

Which Rock Chick Are You?

Gotta love procrastination.

Which Rock Chick Are You?


Cherry Blossum Time

One of the beautiful things about Japan- Cherry Blossums.

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