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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Personal DNA

Well it's no secret that I like taking online personality tests. I like to see how the results compare from test to test and day to day. This test was actually interesting to complete and gives the outcome in written, graphical and pictorial form. You can also invite your friends to assess your personality.

Try it. Hold the cursor over each coloured bar below to see what it represents.

My results:

Benevolent Leader

My Personal DNA Report


Turtle Guy said...

I did this! Apparently I am a Benevolent Thinker. Turns out my feminine score is extremely high, while my masculine score is really quite "average". Just what does this mean????

kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

I was an encouraging leader. That was one of the more interesting tests I've taken in a while. Thanks for posting! :)