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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Our Move

A couple of people asked me in the comments, so I thought i'd post about it. Yutaka and I are moving to Australia at the end of May. We always had the plan to move to Australia and last year we applied for his spouse visa. It came through earlier than expected about a month ago.

So now comes the crazy moving, packing, planning, stressing time. One big bummer about an international marriage, you have to be apart from someone's family. So as you can imagine, my parents are happy we're moving close and Yutaka's are sad we're going.

It feels so right though and Yutaka and I are excited about starting this next phase of our lives.

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kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

That's really wonderful, Laura. I hope that the move is a good one for you both and that you don't go too crazy packing and getting ready to go. :)

laddie in Kansai said...

wow finally ye are moving back to OZland eh? How long did ye wait for the visa to be proceeded?
One of mates from NZ just went home last month as well. anyhow you have been busy packing so on. Good on ye

Jess said...

Hi Laura,

I just found your blog and have been checking it out. I myself just came back from Japan, earlier this month. It was a crazy few weeks before I left, trying to pack up all my stuff, say good-bye to friends and finish working! i wish you all the best for your move and your life in Australia! gannbatte!