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Monday, April 03, 2006


I had a lousy weekend. Both days I woke up with a migraine and had to spend a lot of both days in bed. So I missed out on going to an antiques fair in Kyoto that i'd been dying to go to. I am soooo bummed!!! And today, just a lousy normal Monday, I wake up feeling great.
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What causes migraines? Perhaps I am stressing about our imminent move and all the things we have to do before we go. Or perhaps because i've taken on a busy teaching schedule for last week and this week?


kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

So sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well. :( I didn't know you were moving...within Japan or outside?

MomKori said...

I'm sorry you missed the antiques fair... Are you going back to your country?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes certain foods can trigger migraines. Maybe you can monitor what you've eaten before you get a migrane and narrow it down to a particular food.

Some people get migranes from things like chocolate, cheese or even citrus.

Anonymous said...

No one really knows what causes migraines. It has been suggested that an artery in the brain constricts for some reason, causing mild oxygen starvation of the surrounding brain tissue, which results in the aura that some people get before a migraine.

Then, the artery uses up all its energy and relaxes almost completely, ballooning out and causing pain. It throbs because blood is pushed through the vessel and exacerbates the pain.

Yes, I'm a complete nerd.